Michigan AfterSchool Association (MAA) is the Michigan State Affiliate of the National AfterSchool Association. NAA and its State Affiliates share a mutual purpose and agreement to support, develop, and advocate for Out-of-School Time professionals and the profession. NAA and its State Affiliates build connectivity among stakeholders and create opportunities for engagement to ensure a vibrant future for the Out-of-School Time profession. 

For all OST professionals who are not current paid NAA members and live in Michigan, our state affiliation and a Michigan AfterSchool Association (MAA) membership make you eligible for a free NAA membership. If you prefer, NAA membership may be purchased directly from NAA on a sliding scale from $25 to $150.

By joining MAA today, you will gain access to all that both MAA and NAA have to offer!


The Michigan AfterSchool Association (MAA) works to build a field of professionals that develop, support, and promote quality out-of-school-time (OST) and expanded learning programs for children and youth.


All youth have access to high quality out-of-school-time and expanded learning opportunities in Michigan.

MAA provides:

  • MAA Digital Newsletter
  • Lunch and Learn Webinars
  • Discounts on program materials and supplies from NAA Advocate members
  • Discount on the MAA conference and regional workshops
  • Access to Members Only Event at MAA conference
  • FREE NAA membership
  • Eligible to serve on MAA Board and Board Committees
  • Access to CDA credential/trainings

For more information about our member services, visit our Membership Options page.



E-mail: info@miafterschoolassociation.org | Tel. 269-337-0707

MAA Office:

125 W Exchange Place, Kalamazoo MI 49007