The Michigan AfterSchool Association (MAA) is pleased to announce the opening of a new Expanded Learning Center in downtown Kalamazoo. The Expanded Learning Center is a facility dedicated to quality childcare and afterschool programming for area families. Over the past few years, MAA has been working on taking a more active role in supporting families that need childcare and at the same time supporting other centers by modeling best practices. MAA also offers online training, regional workshops across the state, as well as our annual statewide conference aimed at improving the quality of care provided for children and youth when they are not in school. By investing in the adults in children’s lives, we can ensure every child gets a strong start in life.
MAA is pleased to be part of the Kalamazoo community where there is such an effort to make childcare affordable and build a strong community of families and providers. The Expanded Learning Center is directly across the street from Bronson Park and behind Downtown Wood TV 8.
The Michigan AfterSchool Association (MAA) is a non-profit organization that works to build a field of professionals that develop, support, and promote quality out-of-school-time (OST) and expanded learning programs for children and youth. MAA is the state affiliate of the National AfterSchool Association (NAA). Membership in these organizations links providers to a network of peers across the country, as well as to high quality professional development and technical assistance both locally and nationally.
Please click below to access our Enrollment Contract. We will have additional required enrollment forms at your registration appointment. You can contact us at or call (269) 743-7616 to set an appointment time or with any questions.